Formulation and Mixture Design
An advanced course about DOE. Mixture Designs are dedicated to chemistry, or generally speaking, to every situation where you want to investigate the effect of ingredients proportions on a given response. This type of DOE is areal “must have” for any chemical R&D, including food, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, tessile, plastics and so on. There is no better statistical tool to model the complexities of chemical interactions. Also, the method can include process variables, thus leading to a real process and product optimisation.
Topics include
- Simplex Lattice and Centroid Designs
- Upper and Lower Constraints
- Pseudocomponents
- Extreme Vertices Designs
- Mixture-Process Variable designs
- Mixture-Amount Designs
What you will be able to do
- Investigate and model the effect of ingredient proportions on one or more responses
- Quantify and optimise the impact of process variables on your formulations
- Find a optimal formulation
1 day.
Pre requisites
- Minitab Essentials
- Factorial Designs
Research and development professionals, product and process engineers.