Apply Science

Digital Innovation and Data Science

We apply Mathematics to grant customer success in use cases relevant to business

Apply Science - Digital Innovation Starter Kit

About us

Apply Science is a consulting company specialised in Data Science, Digital Innovation, applied Statistics and Artificial Intelligence. Our experience dates back to 2004 and since then, has grown up according to the fast changing technologies and business needs. Through all these years, we did help our customers with their strategic use cases, providing innovation, success and maximising their revenues from data driven investments. In the last years we started to turn our experience into products as well, such as our top selling Efficient Data Science Methodology, EDS ®, which brings our experience in Data Science, as a product.

Why us

There are many small, medium and big companies out there proposing Data Science today. But really few of them can claim a long experience based on senior professionals, where senior means a minimum of 10 years on the field. Well, Apply Science can claim such a senior experience. Moreover, we have worked in many different industries, thus gaining a wide experience, a cross sector experience, which has an incredible value, because allows us to visualise, identify and realise innovative solutions, that implements a real technology transfer and grants a faster and more efficient return on investment.

Luigi Roggia


We strongly believe in partnership!

Technology and Science

We see in TIBCO the best and more complete provider of technologies and solutions for Data Science. And we are proud of our partnership with IBM, dedicated to Quantum Computing. We believe in innovation and we want be part of it!

Apply Science TIBCO Partner
Apply Science IBM partner
EDS on the field - Efficient Data Science - Apply Science

Customers and industries

Our typical customers are big and enterprise companies. Market leaders operating in many industries, such as:

  • Manufacturing
  • Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
  • Finance and insurance
  • Marketing, services and communications

Apply in a few words

Watch this video, an interview to Luigi Roggia by OpenZone, in Zambon Pharmaceuticals, where we are based.