Predictive Maintenance - Apply Science

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance Do not let it happen: be proactive!  USE CASE Predictive maintenance is one of the most frequently asked use cases for manufacturing companies. Basically you want to go beyond simple problem analysis: you want to prevent problems. The list of points that relates to this kind of general use case are: you want…

churn prevention model - apply science

Churn Prevention

Churn Prevention Don’t loose your customers: stop churn before it happens! USE CASE Your customers could leave you, unless you learn to understand when a give customer is developing a tendency to dissatisfaction. When you get aware of this dangerous tendency you can take specific actions to invert it. This is churn prevention. Basically you…

data Science for Marketing

Market Analysis

Market Analysis Design data driven strategies! USE CASE Marketing, real and professional marketing, is anything but an easy discipline. Common use cases are: identify and profile groups of customers understand which communication works best with a given customer design intelligent marketing campaigns understand why a product sells or not in a given area, period or…

Supply Chain with AI and Data Science

Supply Chain

Supply Chain Intelligent management, prediction and optimisation USE CASE You want an intelligent, improved and optimised management of your logistics. Usually this means you are interested in one or more of the following points: predict when it’s time for refurnishing estimate the amount of items for refurnishing optimise transports and expeditions reduce logistics cost find…

Workshop: Statistica in ambito pharma

Apply Science, azienda presente in OpenZone che opera a livello nazionale come società di consulenza e formazione in ambito di statistica, machine learning e data science, con forte enfasi applicativa nel mondo life science, visto il periodo storico che stiamo vivendo, offre un’opportunità esclusiva per le aziende operanti nel campus, organizzando dei workshop formativi online…

Minitab | Corsi ufficiali ONLINE per il settore Chimico – Farmaceutico

APPLY SCIENCE e GMSL, unico partner ufficiale Minitab e unico Minitab Certified Training Provider, vi offre la possibilità di partecipare ONLINE ai prossimi CORSI UFFICIALI MINITAB dedicati al settore CHIMICO – FARMACEUTICO. Data l’emergenza che stiamo affrontando i corsi si svolgeranno online utilizzando la piattaforma Microsoft Teams (scaricabile gratuitamente). Gli appuntamenti si articolano in 8 moduli…

Corsi Minitab ONLINE

I posti per questi corsi sono esauriti, ma continuate a seguirci. A breve pubblicheremo altre date inerenti i corsi e gli eventi Minitab. APPLY SCIENCE e GMSL, unico partner ufficiale Minitab, vi offrono la possibilità di partecipare ONLINE ai prossimi CORSI UFFICIALI MINITAB. Data l’emergenza che stiamo affrontando i corsi si svolgeranno online utilizzando piattaforma…