Market Analysis
Design data driven strategies!

Marketing, real and professional marketing, is anything but an easy discipline. Common use cases are:
- identify and profile groups of customers
- understand which communication works best with a given customer
- design intelligent marketing campaigns
- understand why a product sells or not in a given area, period or reseller
- analyse market data
The above mentioned use cases require much more than descriptive statistics, that means that using averages, medians, standard deviations and colourful plots is useful, necessary, but definitely not enough.
Our solution is based on specific analytics. We apply statistical tests such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), we also use statistical quality control tools, such as control charts and we run advanced numerical simulations, based on Monte Carlo methodology, which is probably the best performing tool to analyse and optimise marketing related tasks.
Using ANOVA we can study every kind of relation and interaction among variables, thus answering optimisation questions and highlighting weaknesses and best configurations.
Machine learning is also a fundamental ingredient of our solution. Machine learning is what we use to identify clusters and to profile customers.
Last but not least, our methodology includes modern and advanced time series analysis techniques, that let us group, predict and classify time based events in great variety of ways. Many of the mathematical methods that we use for time series analysis come from science, mainly from Physics, thus creating a precious and innovative connection between pure science and business needing. Our approach to time series analysis includes every classical method, such as forecasting and seasonal analysis, but goes much more in details thanks to that mentioned knowledge coming from science.
We can provide our solutions in many ways.
Our marketing analysis products are highly customisable and can be offered as a service from the cloud or installed on premise.
You can ask for a one shot analysis, thus receiving a detailed report with suggested strategies and situation analysis, or get an interactive application, based on web technologies, able to work on normal and big data.
Our tools can work in real time analysis, trigger actions, send messages and do all these things in a scalable and portable way, granting usability from any web connected device.